Forms Available for Download

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Forms are available for download:

Below you can see the events and accompanying information regarding these upcoming events. Any questions you have should be directed to .

Upcoming Events

Fall Retreat
October 26-28
Cost $55
Purpose: Discipleship
This year we are going to CAMP MO-VAL for our fall retreat. The theme for the weekend will be FOCUS. We will encourage our students to Focus on improving our relationships with Christ, one-another, and unbelievers. We will meet at church around 4:00 pm and will return for the Sunday morning worship. More details will be forthcoming.

Trivia Night
November 17
Cost - Fund Raiser
Purpose: Fund-Raiser (Missions)
This will be our first fund raiser for our upcoming mission trips. We will have multiple fund-raisers to help offset the costs of the upcoming trips.

Christmas Party
December 21
Cost TBA
Purpose: Fellowship
The details of this activity have yet to be finalized.

Underground Church
February 9
No Cost
Purpose: Discipleship
Description: Underground church is a simulation event that helps our students understand and appreciate the religious freedoms that they have as citizens of the United States of America. At this event we will have the students locate and participate in a simulated worship service similar to those in closed countries. We will need lots of parents to help with this event.

Disciple Now
March 6-9
Cost: $60
Purpose: Discipleship
Description: Disciple Now (D NOW) is a weekend retreat that is local and hosted by families within the church. It is for all students who are apart of our Student Ministry and their friends. This year we are working with Brian Currie to be our keynote speaker. Individual host home leaders will come from all over the region to help us with this event. We will need people to help provide support for this event.

Silent Auction
April 7
Cost – Fund Raiser
Purpose: Fund Raise (Missions)
We will have lunch in the dinning hall and host a silent auction. We will need people to help solicit donated items, as well as set-up/clean up. The funds will go towards the Mission Trips.

Youth Mission Trip
Cost $300
Purpose: Ministry/Missions
After a successful mission project last summer we will head out on a new adventure in missions. Final dates and destination will be announced later.

Graduating Senior and College Mission Trip
Cost $1200
Purpose: Missions
The graduating seniors and college students will participate in another International World Changers trip with the International Mission Board.